Sunday 2 December 2012

To Kill a Mockingbird By:Harper Lee

The story of To Kill a Mockingbird starts out with a brief history on the Finch family, Simon Finch that flee from England to settle in Alabama, become wealthy and brought a few slaves.

The story take place during the three years of the Great Depression in an old town call Maycomb, Alabama. The story is told from a six-year-old girl name Scout Finch's point of view, who lives in a family of three her older brother Jem Finch and her father Atticus Finch who's a middle-aged lawyer. The first summer in the book Scout and Jem befriend to a boy call Dill who comes to Maycomb every summer to visit his Auntie Rachel. The three of them was scared, but also interested in one of their neighbor name Boo Radley, they were scared of him because no one in town ever talks about him. That's what got the three of them interested in Boo Radley since no one really know what looks like. After two more summer with Dill, Scout and Jem found some mysterious person leaving small gift in a tree outside of the Radley's place. The small gifts was made the children more curious about Boo Radley, but to their disappointment Boo Radley never appeared. Scout and Jem's father Atticus is being asked by the judge to be the lawyer of a black guy name Tom Robinson who were accused for raping a young white girl, Mayella Ewell. Even though most people in town disagree with Atticus on taking the case, he still agree on accepting the case. In school Scout and Jem were being taunted by other children for Atticus being the defender of Tom Robinson, some even called Atticus a "nigger-lover." Because of that Atticus didn't want Scout, Jem, and Dill to see the trial, but they've manage to sneak in to the colored balcony and watch the trial secretly. Atticus made it really clear that Tom Robinson didn't rape Mayella Ewell. Despite all that, Tom is still guilty. Bob Ewell was mad because he got humiliated in the trial by Atticus showing that he can't write. So Bob Ewell instead of attacking Atticus he turns his attention to Scout and Jem. On the day of the school Halloween pageant while Scout and Jem was walking home in the dark Bob Ewell came out of nowhere, and attacked the defenseless Scout and then Jem. Then Scout and Jem was saved by a mysterious person which later on when they got home Scout found out its Boo Radley even though they were saved by Boo, Bob Ewell still manage to break one of Jem's arm before he dies.        

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