Friday 7 December 2012

Metro 2033 By: Dmitry Glukhovsky

The story of Metro 2033 is about a 20-year old man name Artyom who was born before the nuclear war that occurred in 2013. When he was a baby he was saved from rats by Sukhoi, who is a military officer. Even though the rats didn't kill Artyom they did kill her mother and the rest of the survivors. Ever since Artyom was saved by Sukhoi, he had raise Artyom up to be one of the security guards. At one of many the shelters station in the Russian metro call VDNKh where his adoptive father is one of the authorities.

In late 2033, when Artyom and some other of his friends completed their shrift. Once he got home he saw a mysterious man name Hunter, he asks Artyom to get Sukhoi so three of them can sit down and discuss the situation. While Hunter still has his hope of fighting off the threat, Sukhoi on the other hand doesn't he has lost all hope of fighting back. When Hunter was leaving he asked Artyom to go out and have a chat with him which later on Artyom found out he's being blackmail by Hunter to promise him to travel to the Polis. Even if he doesn't make it back from fighting the threat that has threaten VDNKh.

As Artyom sets off to Polis along his adventure he meets Bourbon who offer him a few large cartridges if Artyom can help him travel through the tunnels, but once their almost through the tunnel Bourbon has turn into insanity and dies. Once Artyom is at the next station he meets a mysterious man call Khan who helps him get the cartridges which later on Artyom found out that Bourbon was gonna kill him and loot him if he lives. After that Artyom arrives to the next station which is call Kitai-Gorod the station is split in half, while Artyom is fleeing he helped a old man which later Artyom thank the old man for helping him get to the other half of the station. But not long enough till he got caught by the Reich for murdering one of their guards. As Artyom was about to be executed he was saved by the Revolutionaries.

After getting drop off at Paveletskaya by the Revolutionaries, Artyom meets Melnik the person that Hunter told him to meets in the Polis. Once he meets Melnik he was inform to a council meeting about the future of the whole metro. During the meeting Artyom explain to the council about the threat that has threaten VDNKh then he was told to go to the Great library, which is located right above VDNKh, to find a very powerful book that can save the entire metro. Even though Artyom has to go on this very dangerous mission to go up to the surface, he was offer help from the council and also Melnik. So they next day they got their gears and head for the Great library which is located on the surface above VDNKh.

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