Monday 3 December 2012

BZRK (Berserk) By: Micheal Grant

The novel name BZRK is set in the future, where is about a war for controlling the human mind. Charles and Benjamin Armstrong,are mutated twins and the current owners of the Armstrong Fancy Gift Corporation, their goal is to change the world to where: no war, no conflicts, no hunger and no freedom. Stopping them are a group of teenagers that call them selves BZRK stand for berserk, who are willing to risk their lives to protect other their rights to not get messed up. But this isn't just any plain old war where you just use guns, instead they will use high tech weapons that can only be seen on nano-level. Whereas most wars the battleground are on the surface this war it will be happening in the human brain. And there won't be any stalemate is either you win or you'll go crazy.

The story starts out with just the BZRK group finding a perfect new pair to join them for the final war that's about to happen. The first person they've found is one of their old group mate, name Alex who have gone mad after got taken out at one of their mission, and they know Alex has a younger brother name Noah. One of the guy in the group decided to go and ask him if he wanna join to get revenge for his older brother and he thought about, then he said yes because he wanna get revenge on what the Armstrong twins who made his brother gone mad. After they got Noah to join then they look for their second recruit which her name is Sadie McLure from the rich McLure family who designed nano size robots to help with medical uses that requires nano level technology. But there is one reason that's holding Sadie back from joining them since Sadie lost her older brother and her dad from a plane crash that she found out is cause be one of the micro robots in the pilot's head. However she did join eventually because one of the very skilled people from the group had gone to her house and asked her personally. Then Noah and her began to train to be ready to accept their very own nano-bots before any of the training can take place they will have to have a code name so Noah has changed his name to Kate and Sadie changed her to Plate. After a month of training they're finally ready to get their nano-bots so they went to the McLure Research Lab to get their nano-bots, but  once they got their nano-bots made they have some unexpected accompany from the guards so they have to fight their way out of the place.

After they've got their nano-bots Kate and Plate first mission was to infiltrate the Armstrong twins office and re-wire their brain to change their minds about their goal. However it didn't actually success since they got spotted by one of the nano user that works for the twins. The final mission for the BZRK is to wire the most  of the president in the national meeting, but their not alone since the Armstrong twins already got two president and they're sending more people to wire the rest. What will happen to the BZRK group will they get victory or madness.

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