Tuesday 4 December 2012

The Curious Incident of the dog in the Night-Time By:Mark Haddon

The Curious Incident of the dog in the Night-Time is a older mystery novel that's written in 2003 by a British writer name Mark Haddon. It features quotes from a famous fictional detective name Sherlock Holmes in the Arthur Conan Doyle's 1892 short story.

The story is told from a fifteen-year-old boy name Christopher John Francis Boone with an heavier autism on the autistic spectrum, who lives with his father name Ed Boone. Also his mother Judy Boone, Christopher at first was told by his dad that his mother dead in a heart attack two years ago. One night when Christopher was out for a walk he found his neighbor's dog name Wellington dead on Mrs.Shears front yield which is Wellington's owner. Mrs.Shears found out and called the police, once the police arrive the policewoman took Mrs.Shears in to her house and tries to calm her down, while the policeman goes over to Christopher and ask him what happened then Christopher punch the policeman then he quickly got arrested. Even though he hit the policeman he was release with a caution. Afterward Christopher decides to investigate who killed Wellington, through out his adventure he record all he went through in a book of his own call "murder mystery novel." While Christopher is investing his case of who killed Wellington, he asked one of his neighbor Mrs. Alexandra which tell him something that he didn't know. It's that his mom and Mr. Shears had an affair a long time ago.

When Christopher's dad Ed Boone found out about the book that Christopher was writing he gone mad and hided Christopher's book and told him not to investigate anymore. Later Christopher found his book along with letters that his mom had sent him over the years after his dad had told him that his mom is dead. He was shocked by the fact that his own father lied to him when Ed his father found out he told him everything his mom and also who killed Wellington. After hearing what his dad had told him Christopher was scared of his dad so he set off to London where he found out that's where his mom is living with Mr.Shears. After avoiding policemen Christopher finally arrives to his mother's house, but after a few days Christopher realized that he have to take the math A exam back in Swindon since he wants to be a scientist. So they went back to Swindon even though Christopher agrees to go back he didn't agree to stay with his dad since his still scared of his dad. Then Judy his mom rent a house and live with Christopher then he one day while Christopher and his mom is at his dad's house, Ed his dad brought Christopher a puppy to say sorry about all the things he did. The book end with a happy ending where Christopher got an A in his math A exam and goes on living with his mother, but he agree with his dad to occasionally stay over at his dad's house.      

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