Monday 17 December 2012

Zetman by: Masakazu Katsura

Zetman is a manga series by Masakazu Katsura, it started out as one of the mini series in The Weekly Young Jump magazine. Then as it when on it be came more popular and got its own anime and manga series.

The story of Zetman starts off with talking about how there is an underground fight club found by the Amagi Corporation, where rich people pay to watch mutated monster fight to their death. It start out fine until one of the monster which is a wolf started to rebel and jumps to the viewing stand and kill everyone that is inside. That's where are main character Jin Kanzaki comes in, he was born when the place is falling apart he is the first mutated monster that's a human and can turn into a superhuman call Zet. His destiny is to eliminate all the mutated monsters that escaped the place.

After Jin grew up to an kid the first major event that he faced is his "grandfather", but is actually the scientist that saved him, then he got killed by one of the mutated monster. Then he meets Akemi Kawakami who lost her son and her husband, she took Jin in and treated him like it was her own son. On one night where Jin and Akemi were walking home from the supermarket Akemi got her face slash by one of the mutated monster that goes after Jin. Then Jin turn in to a incomplete form of Zet and killed the mutated monster. After Jin grew up to an adult he kept his duty to eliminate all the mutated monster, on one of the day he was on duty he meets Kouga Amagi his old friend who he goes around with when he was little to help other people.

After a few fights between Jin and mutated monsters, he was offer by the chairman Kouga's grandfather to help him to get to Zet's final form so that he can eliminate the mutated wolf monster which is the head of the rebel. Then Jin accepted the offer, but before he can go to train to get to Zet's final form he have to leave his present life. Which means he have to write a fake letter to Akemi saying he have found his parents and went on to live his life with them. Kouga on the other hand cant turn into any superhuman, but he do have the technology to build a super armor call Alphasz. The name comes from cartoon that Kouga watched when he was little. In one of the fight between Zet and the mutated monster he meets Alphasz, later on Zet found out that Alphasz is Kouga. Then Kouga ask Zet if he can help him on his quest to eliminate all the mutated monsters, Zet accepted the request then they went on and eliminate the mutated monsters.      

Sunday 16 December 2012

Sword Art Online by: Kawahara Reki

Sword Art Online is a manga that is set in the future where virtual reality massive multiplayer online role-playing games are the most popular. Instead of using console they use a virtual reality helmet call Nerve Gear that simulates the five sense of the player through its brain, so that they can experience and have full control of their in-game character.  

On Nov 6, 2022, the day where Sword Art Online launches and three thousand players logged on to the game. After a few hours of the game launches players start to realize that there isn't a log out button, then all the players got teleported to the "beginning town" by one of the Gm (game master). The game master that teleported everyone, his name is Kayaba Akihiko the creator of Sword Art Online and also one of the designer for Nerve Gear. He announce that in order to log off the game u have to beat all 100 floors and in the process if you die in-game u will also die in real life. Also if someone tries to unplug the Nerve Gear from outside the person that is wearing it will be dead instantly by a micro-wave that sends from the Nerve Gear. Our protagonist Kirito, who is a skilled gamer and he is determined to beat the game. In the process of beating the game, Kirito made friends with a female player name Asuna and eventually falls in love with her. After knowing Kayaba from the fight between Kirito and Asuna's guild master, Kirito decided to reveal Kayaba identity after the second to last boss fight. When that finished the boss fight Kirito reveals who Kayaba in-game character is, then Kayaba challenges him to a duel and Kirito won and free himself and everyone else.        

Friday 14 December 2012

Diary of a Wimpy Kid by: Jeff Kinney

         The story of the Diary of a Wimpy Kid is about a boy name Greg Heffley that's moving from elementary school to secondary school, and his daily day as a member of the Heffley family. The novel of the Diary of a Wimpy Kid got its name from the "Diary" that Greg Heffley himself writes through out the story. Inside it talks about the first day of Greg going to high school where he got beaten up by a bully and a belief description about his classmates. Then the next entry is about his brother Rodrick Heffley who is a rocker and is also the meanest older brother. When Rodrick has to take Greg home, he will always make him sit at the back of his white van and not the front. This is because he thinks Greg is not worthy enough to sit in the front. After that, it is about Greg and Rowley Jefferson his best friend ever since elementary school. One Christmas, Rowley and Greg was playing outside and Greg accidentally breaks Rowley's arm. The next day in lunch Rowley was surrounded by a bunch of girls that's feeding him. Which leads to the breaking up of the friendship between Greg and Rowley, but in the end they were back together as best friends again.

The novel of the Diary of a Wimpy Kid was so popular with elementary school students that it was turn  in to a movie. And also it was made in to a series with the second book name Diary of a Wimpy Kid: Rodrick Rules. Then the third one name Diary of a Wimpy Kid: The Last Straw and so on....    


Saturday 8 December 2012

7th Sigma by: Steven Gould

The story of the 7th Sigma takes place in the southwest territory where the people there has to live with out metal or any technology at all. Since about fifty years ago a new life form showed up call the bugs, they are self replicating, solar powered, and metal eating robots. No one in the territory knows where they've come from they just know the bugs can't fly up to a certain height and hates water so that's why they are living in the southwest of the territory. The people in the southwest territory still lives there, but doing it without metal or any technology in general. So without metal they lived in log cabins, used ceramics and plastic to survive in the southwest territory with the bugs and also under the heat.

Kim a boy who is a runaway that escaped to the frontier after leaving his father when he has to go to the cities for medical treatment. Kim was suppose to go along with his father, but instead he when to the streets New Santa Fe, where there he has to live with his wits. Then one day he meets Ruth, an Aikido teacher who is set off to build a new dojo deep in the territory to teach peoples in the territory about Aikido where it can be use to self defense.

After going through a huge process to build the new dojo place in this rough territory, Kim start training with Ruth which he learn both calm and physical skills. That Kim later found to be useful for helping the neighbor from bandits, then he comes in contract with one of the territory Rangers that recognizes him as a runaway. However instead of bring Kim back to his father, he offers Kim to be a undercover agent. As Kim gets older he has become the greatest undercover agent in frontier and he was offered to go to a university to learn more about the bugs. By then he was having a normal live where he have a education and a place to live without going to the city and live with his father.   

Friday 7 December 2012

Metro 2033 By: Dmitry Glukhovsky

The story of Metro 2033 is about a 20-year old man name Artyom who was born before the nuclear war that occurred in 2013. When he was a baby he was saved from rats by Sukhoi, who is a military officer. Even though the rats didn't kill Artyom they did kill her mother and the rest of the survivors. Ever since Artyom was saved by Sukhoi, he had raise Artyom up to be one of the security guards. At one of many the shelters station in the Russian metro call VDNKh where his adoptive father is one of the authorities.

In late 2033, when Artyom and some other of his friends completed their shrift. Once he got home he saw a mysterious man name Hunter, he asks Artyom to get Sukhoi so three of them can sit down and discuss the situation. While Hunter still has his hope of fighting off the threat, Sukhoi on the other hand doesn't he has lost all hope of fighting back. When Hunter was leaving he asked Artyom to go out and have a chat with him which later on Artyom found out he's being blackmail by Hunter to promise him to travel to the Polis. Even if he doesn't make it back from fighting the threat that has threaten VDNKh.

As Artyom sets off to Polis along his adventure he meets Bourbon who offer him a few large cartridges if Artyom can help him travel through the tunnels, but once their almost through the tunnel Bourbon has turn into insanity and dies. Once Artyom is at the next station he meets a mysterious man call Khan who helps him get the cartridges which later on Artyom found out that Bourbon was gonna kill him and loot him if he lives. After that Artyom arrives to the next station which is call Kitai-Gorod the station is split in half, while Artyom is fleeing he helped a old man which later Artyom thank the old man for helping him get to the other half of the station. But not long enough till he got caught by the Reich for murdering one of their guards. As Artyom was about to be executed he was saved by the Revolutionaries.

After getting drop off at Paveletskaya by the Revolutionaries, Artyom meets Melnik the person that Hunter told him to meets in the Polis. Once he meets Melnik he was inform to a council meeting about the future of the whole metro. During the meeting Artyom explain to the council about the threat that has threaten VDNKh then he was told to go to the Great library, which is located right above VDNKh, to find a very powerful book that can save the entire metro. Even though Artyom has to go on this very dangerous mission to go up to the surface, he was offer help from the council and also Melnik. So they next day they got their gears and head for the Great library which is located on the surface above VDNKh.

Tuesday 4 December 2012

The Curious Incident of the dog in the Night-Time By:Mark Haddon

The Curious Incident of the dog in the Night-Time is a older mystery novel that's written in 2003 by a British writer name Mark Haddon. It features quotes from a famous fictional detective name Sherlock Holmes in the Arthur Conan Doyle's 1892 short story.

The story is told from a fifteen-year-old boy name Christopher John Francis Boone with an heavier autism on the autistic spectrum, who lives with his father name Ed Boone. Also his mother Judy Boone, Christopher at first was told by his dad that his mother dead in a heart attack two years ago. One night when Christopher was out for a walk he found his neighbor's dog name Wellington dead on Mrs.Shears front yield which is Wellington's owner. Mrs.Shears found out and called the police, once the police arrive the policewoman took Mrs.Shears in to her house and tries to calm her down, while the policeman goes over to Christopher and ask him what happened then Christopher punch the policeman then he quickly got arrested. Even though he hit the policeman he was release with a caution. Afterward Christopher decides to investigate who killed Wellington, through out his adventure he record all he went through in a book of his own call "murder mystery novel." While Christopher is investing his case of who killed Wellington, he asked one of his neighbor Mrs. Alexandra which tell him something that he didn't know. It's that his mom and Mr. Shears had an affair a long time ago.

When Christopher's dad Ed Boone found out about the book that Christopher was writing he gone mad and hided Christopher's book and told him not to investigate anymore. Later Christopher found his book along with letters that his mom had sent him over the years after his dad had told him that his mom is dead. He was shocked by the fact that his own father lied to him when Ed his father found out he told him everything his mom and also who killed Wellington. After hearing what his dad had told him Christopher was scared of his dad so he set off to London where he found out that's where his mom is living with Mr.Shears. After avoiding policemen Christopher finally arrives to his mother's house, but after a few days Christopher realized that he have to take the math A exam back in Swindon since he wants to be a scientist. So they went back to Swindon even though Christopher agrees to go back he didn't agree to stay with his dad since his still scared of his dad. Then Judy his mom rent a house and live with Christopher then he one day while Christopher and his mom is at his dad's house, Ed his dad brought Christopher a puppy to say sorry about all the things he did. The book end with a happy ending where Christopher got an A in his math A exam and goes on living with his mother, but he agree with his dad to occasionally stay over at his dad's house.      

Monday 3 December 2012

BZRK (Berserk) By: Micheal Grant

The novel name BZRK is set in the future, where is about a war for controlling the human mind. Charles and Benjamin Armstrong,are mutated twins and the current owners of the Armstrong Fancy Gift Corporation, their goal is to change the world to where: no war, no conflicts, no hunger and no freedom. Stopping them are a group of teenagers that call them selves BZRK stand for berserk, who are willing to risk their lives to protect other their rights to not get messed up. But this isn't just any plain old war where you just use guns, instead they will use high tech weapons that can only be seen on nano-level. Whereas most wars the battleground are on the surface this war it will be happening in the human brain. And there won't be any stalemate is either you win or you'll go crazy.

The story starts out with just the BZRK group finding a perfect new pair to join them for the final war that's about to happen. The first person they've found is one of their old group mate, name Alex who have gone mad after got taken out at one of their mission, and they know Alex has a younger brother name Noah. One of the guy in the group decided to go and ask him if he wanna join to get revenge for his older brother and he thought about, then he said yes because he wanna get revenge on what the Armstrong twins who made his brother gone mad. After they got Noah to join then they look for their second recruit which her name is Sadie McLure from the rich McLure family who designed nano size robots to help with medical uses that requires nano level technology. But there is one reason that's holding Sadie back from joining them since Sadie lost her older brother and her dad from a plane crash that she found out is cause be one of the micro robots in the pilot's head. However she did join eventually because one of the very skilled people from the group had gone to her house and asked her personally. Then Noah and her began to train to be ready to accept their very own nano-bots before any of the training can take place they will have to have a code name so Noah has changed his name to Kate and Sadie changed her to Plate. After a month of training they're finally ready to get their nano-bots so they went to the McLure Research Lab to get their nano-bots, but  once they got their nano-bots made they have some unexpected accompany from the guards so they have to fight their way out of the place.

After they've got their nano-bots Kate and Plate first mission was to infiltrate the Armstrong twins office and re-wire their brain to change their minds about their goal. However it didn't actually success since they got spotted by one of the nano user that works for the twins. The final mission for the BZRK is to wire the most  of the president in the national meeting, but their not alone since the Armstrong twins already got two president and they're sending more people to wire the rest. What will happen to the BZRK group will they get victory or madness.

Sunday 2 December 2012

To Kill a Mockingbird By:Harper Lee

The story of To Kill a Mockingbird starts out with a brief history on the Finch family, Simon Finch that flee from England to settle in Alabama, become wealthy and brought a few slaves.

The story take place during the three years of the Great Depression in an old town call Maycomb, Alabama. The story is told from a six-year-old girl name Scout Finch's point of view, who lives in a family of three her older brother Jem Finch and her father Atticus Finch who's a middle-aged lawyer. The first summer in the book Scout and Jem befriend to a boy call Dill who comes to Maycomb every summer to visit his Auntie Rachel. The three of them was scared, but also interested in one of their neighbor name Boo Radley, they were scared of him because no one in town ever talks about him. That's what got the three of them interested in Boo Radley since no one really know what looks like. After two more summer with Dill, Scout and Jem found some mysterious person leaving small gift in a tree outside of the Radley's place. The small gifts was made the children more curious about Boo Radley, but to their disappointment Boo Radley never appeared. Scout and Jem's father Atticus is being asked by the judge to be the lawyer of a black guy name Tom Robinson who were accused for raping a young white girl, Mayella Ewell. Even though most people in town disagree with Atticus on taking the case, he still agree on accepting the case. In school Scout and Jem were being taunted by other children for Atticus being the defender of Tom Robinson, some even called Atticus a "nigger-lover." Because of that Atticus didn't want Scout, Jem, and Dill to see the trial, but they've manage to sneak in to the colored balcony and watch the trial secretly. Atticus made it really clear that Tom Robinson didn't rape Mayella Ewell. Despite all that, Tom is still guilty. Bob Ewell was mad because he got humiliated in the trial by Atticus showing that he can't write. So Bob Ewell instead of attacking Atticus he turns his attention to Scout and Jem. On the day of the school Halloween pageant while Scout and Jem was walking home in the dark Bob Ewell came out of nowhere, and attacked the defenseless Scout and then Jem. Then Scout and Jem was saved by a mysterious person which later on when they got home Scout found out its Boo Radley even though they were saved by Boo, Bob Ewell still manage to break one of Jem's arm before he dies.        

Saturday 1 December 2012

The Hunger Games by:Suzanne Collins

In the world of The Hunger Games there is a capitol, that's where are the rich and powerful people live such as President Snow and a few other major people in the book. Desides the Capitol there are twelve districts as they refer to in the book that surrounds the Capitol. The main character named Katniss Everdeen. She lives in the furthest district, which is also the poorest because her district's selling point is coal. She has to take care of her family by herself. becasue her dad died when she was only eleven-year-old from a mining explosion. From there on she has to take care of her mom because her dad's accident made her not talk and stay in bed all day. Besides her mom, Katniss also has to take care of her sister. The name Hunger Games comes from a massive event hosted by the Capitol. Every year, they will pick two teenagers from  each district one boy and one girl from the age of 12-18 years old. The point of hosting this event is to eliminate the chance of a rebellion from any of the twelve districts. On the day of the picking where they will pick tributes, this is Katniss's sixth year and its her little sister's first year. Katniss will be the most likely to get picked since the older you get, the most entries with your name will be in the large bin. At first Katniss was for sure that her sister won't get picked, but it turned out she actually got picked with one out of hundreds. Katniss isn't gonna let her sister to be in the hunger games so she volunteered as tribute to save her. After knowing that Katniss can actually volunteer for her sister they went on and pick the boy and turn out its the baker's son name Peeta Mellark. From there on Katniss and Peeta will go to the Capitol and get trained with the other 22 tributes. After a few days of training and meeting the media, they will head in to the arena and fight to their death. 

Friday 30 November 2012

The Kill Order (Maze Runner Prequel) by:James Dashner

A prequel to a New York Times bestselling Maze Runner series.

Thirteen years before the glade was built, before Thomas entered the maze, sun flares hit the earth and wiped out all living things. Two sixteen-year-old teenagers name Mark and Trina along with a few other teenagers, a former soldier name Alec and a army nurse name Lana trying to survive after the sun flares hit. But surviving the sun flares isn't hard at all compare to what their about to face next. A deadly disease that's already spreads across the eastern United States, once its in the veins the poison from the disease goes straight into the brains and kills it in matter of seconds. However one out of a few hundreds there will be one that the poison can't kill the brain, but instead it turns its prey into a walking dead. The group first found out the disease is when a berg hover over their settlement square and a group of three people that's wearing a green robes with a gun like weapon. At first there thought the berg had come and save them, but when the people in the green robe on the berg began firing and going on a rampage the thought of being save had wipe out from Mark and Trina's mind. While the berg is leaving Mark and Alec had manage to get on the berg then later they've found them selves in the berg's base, but Mark and Alec decided that is best to go back and see what happen then come back with more gears. Once they got back to the village they've found out that people that got hit by the darts either died instant or got turn into a zombie. After seeing those Mark and Alec had got their friends and heading back to the base where the berg is storage in. While on there way to the base they have found a village that has only one living human and its a little girl who got hit by the dart, but had nothing happened to her. Then after a few events Mark had decided that if the little girl got hit by the dart and had nothing happened to her then she must have something that can save the rest of the world from this disease. So their plan to head for the closest capital city because they heard there's a teleporter that can teleport to a research lab where its save from the disease, but will they make it in time before the disease spreads around the world....